Posts tagged COVID-19
The CARES Act: The Effect on Plan sponsors

The impact of COVID-19 is disrupting all facts of life for individuals and businesses alike. Small business 401(k) plans have not been immune, but to what extent? LT Trust conducted a survey of all Plan Sponsors to gauge COVID’s impact on our clients. In total, LT Trust received 337 responses, segmented by number of employees and the 11 sectors of the S&P 500, to illustrate how the pandemic is affecting a variety of industries.

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Stock Market History: Will the Stock Market Recover?

Investors in the United States today are able to enjoy the benefits of an open-architecture 401(k) plan that allows for proper diversification in an efficient marketplace. This was not the case in the 1630s, as speculators were purchasing tulip bulbs for the price of a house. Read more to see what history has to teach us about market fluctuation.

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CARES ACT: The Affects by COVID-19

The CARES Act was passed by Congress to provide economic relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new legislation created changes to both 401(k) loans and withdrawals. To be eligible for the new loan and withdrawal provision, the individual participant, or his or her spouse or dependent, must have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or the individual has suffered adverse financial consequences du to COVID-19. We outline what that may mean for you.

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Stock Market Fluctuation: Why Shouldn't You Sell When the Market's Down?

Success in free markets can be simply summarized by “buying low and selling high”. The only way to fully optimize this investment strategy is to dust off the DeLorean and go to the future. For the people who do not have the ability to time travel, what should you be doing with your 401(k) plan during these turbulent times? Red more to find out.

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Rollover Traditional 401(k) to Roth IRA

As Americans continue to be inundated with the COVID-19 pandemic, many can’t help but look at their 401(k) plan and ponder what to do. From an investment standpoint, financial professionals are consistently preaching long-term investing practices and for investors to not panic by selling stock positions during a valley. Many investors may be pondering how they can possible take advantage of the current bear market? One option that does deserve a look is the concept of an in-plan 401(k) Roth conversion.

We expound in this post.

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Stimulus Package and 401(k)

On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), a massive relief bill for those suffering as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

First, the CARES Act relaxes the restrictions in defined contribution plans for plan participants and their beneficiaries to access their funds if needed to assist them in this difficult time. The Act refers to “qualified individuals”. We dissect the fine print of the CARES Act in this blog post.

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Should I Increase my 401(k) Contribution?

It has certainly been a different year for all of us.

The COVID-19 pandemic we are experiencing has impacted countries, governments, businesses and markets. On an individual level, many Americans also looking at the impact of COVID-19 on their 401(k) retirement savings.

History has always shown that we will rebound, as our resiliency is second only to our resolve. Read more to find out why now is a good time to increase 401(k) contributions.

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